OD World Summit 2010

De Domingo, 22 Agosto 2010 hasta Jueves, 26 Agosto 2010

Join us in conceptualizing and organizing, promoting and running, enjoying and celebrating the first truly global workshop of change, development and learning specialists. We believe that all those working with systems, organizations and communities can and should make a difference. We believe that sharing and learning from each other on a global level/scale is the key to make things/change happen. We believe that our profession and our communities of practice have a role to play in "Making the World a Better Place for All of Us".

How? In the coming years - before, during and after the Summit – we'll find it out together. Hereby – on behalf of a fast growing, powerful group of people and the Hungarian Organization Development Society, the initiator - we invite you to be part of the process, the dialogue, the action and all what emerges in the future through and from this bold initiative, the 2010 World Summit.


Próximos eventos

De 20 Noviembre hasta 22 Noviembre
De 28 Enero hasta 30 Enero